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Asian Beetles

The Asian Lady Beetle (Harmonia axyrids) is a nuisance pest. Adults are 1/4 inch long, oval in shape and range in color from beige to yellow to orange with black spots.

The Asian Lady Beetle was introduced into the United States in the late 1970s, but they were first found in Missouri in 1993. They feed on aphids, mealybugs, and soft bodied insects that harm plants and crops.

Lifespan is 3 years. They congregate and hibernate in clusters. They move outdoors when temperatures warm up.

How do they get inside? Through cracks around doors, windows, porch lights, soffits, vents, and wall voids.

The best way to control Asian Lady Beetles is to prevent entry into a structure by caulking all cracks and crevices. Using residual insecticides both on the interior and exterior will aid in eliminating them.

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